Namen podcasta BLOODY HEROES, je navdihniti ljudi, ki si želijo več od življenja, a so zaradi takšnih ali drugačnih razlogov obtičali in ne verjamejo, da lahko gredo preko svoje zgodbe in presežejo svoje omejitve.
Gostje podcasta so tako ali drugače povezani z motnjami strjevanja krvi, a ker pa se vsi soočamo z izzivi, verjamem, da lahko v podcastu vsakdo najde nekaj zase. Podcast je v angleškem jeziku.


You were born with HAEMOPHILIA, VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE or you are any other way related to the bleeding disorder community and you WISH FOR ONLY ONE THING – to get yourself through tough times and live a better life? You are at the right place! This podcast’s purpose is to share inspiring life stories of those who are not allowing their life-threatening diagnose to define them. My guests have a strong will, they stubbornly follow their visions, live inspiring, active, fulfilling and fruitful life’s and with their actions positively impact bleeding disorder community. Join us, get inspired and act!